Chof-Zayin Tammuz (22:00)
💬 Even someone who is doing everything right still has room to become better, to do teshuvah and become closer to Hashem.
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Chof-Vov Tammuz - Shabbos Mevorchim Menachem Av (16:59)
💬 When a Yid davens, he feels as close to Hashem as a child talking to his father.
Chof-Hey Tammuz (19:58)
💬 We call the upcoming month Menachem Av to remind us that we are coming to the end of Golus, when Hashem will be Menachem us, comfort us, with the Geulah!
Chof-Daled Tammuz (19:45)
💬 There is only One Hashem, and the whole world belongs to Hashem! Everything we see, and everything that happens, is all from Hashem.
Chof-Gimmel Tammuz (18:56)
💬 When we have rachmonus on our neshama, Hashem has rachmanus on us, and fixes up whatever not good things happened from our aveira.