Yud-Gimmel Shevat - Shabbos Shira (20:19)
💬 When it comes to Gashmius, Hashem will do the fighting. But when something is attacking our Ruchnius, we need to go out ourselves and fight!
Yud-Beis Shevat (20:36)
💬 When we learn Torah, we make the Ratzon of Hashem PART of us!
Yud-Alef Shevat (20:49)
💬 Nothing in the world can make the Modeh Ani of a Yid tomei.
Yom Hagadol Vehakadosh - Yud Shevat (24:37)
💬 Every day is an opportunity to make good things happen and to bring the Geulah closer. But there are some days that have extra special kochos hidden in them! Yud Shevat is one of those days.
Tes Shevat (20:38)
💬 The three loves — love of Hashem, love of the Torah, and love of our fellow Yid — are all one.