Yud-Tes Iyar (18:45)
π¬ The inyan of Lag Bβomer lasts for three days. So if we missed anything on Lag Bβomer, we can make up for it afterwards!
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Yud-Ches Iyar - Lag B'omer (20:44)
π¬ Hashem wants there to be many types of Yidden, each with a different shlichus and a different way of understanding things. Then we can all work together in our own way to bring Moshiach!
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Tes-Zayin Iyar (19:15)
π¬ A chochom is someone who can find something good in everyone and everything!
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Tes-Vov Iyar (21:27)
π¬ Even though we understand things or want to do things one way, we are ready to change our minds and do what HASHEM wants us to do!
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