with Morah Nechama Dina
Tes-Vov Shevat - Chamisha-Asar B'Shevat (25:01)
π¬ It takes a lot of hard work to do what we are supposed to do during Golus, but eating the delicious fruit on Chamisha-Asar BβShvat reminds us that it is worth it to do all of this difficult work for the delicious βGeulah fruitβ which we will get in the end when Moshiach comes!
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with Morah Nechama Dina
Yud-Daled Shevat (22:46)
π¬ Hashem could only give the Torah once Yisro, who knew about all the Avodah Zarah in the world, wanted to get the Torah with all of the Yidden. This teaches us that even the part of us that knows about all of the Gashmius and taavos of the world ALSO has to want to get the Torah!
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with Morah Nechama Dina
with Morah Nechama Dina
Yud-Beis Shevat (21:03)
π¬ Hashem told Moshe to put an omer of mahn in a little jar, to keep forever in the Mishkan β so the Yidden will remember that Hashem always gives us what we need.
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with Morah Nechama Dina
Yud-Alef Shevat (18:32)
π¬ Nothing in the world can make the Modeh Ani of a Yid tomei β there is a part of our neshama that is connected to Hashem no matter what we do.
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