Vov Tishrei (23:39)
💬 A way to love Hashem is by loving another Yid.
Hey Tishrei (23:35)
💬 Hashem is hiding in every part of the world, and making every single thing be there every single second — even right now, today, Hey Tishrei 5784!
Daled Tishrei (19:51)
💬 As part of our teshuvah, we need to take what Hashem wants seriously.
Gimmel Tishrei - Tzom Gedaliah (20:50)
💬 Whenever we have a chance, we remind ourselves that Hashem will save us and bring the Geulah!
Beis Tishrei - Second day of Rosh Hashana (13:29)
Alef Tishrei - First day of Rosh Hashana (20:28)