Zayin Adar (21:06)
💬 A Yid should do teshuvah all his life. Not teshuvah from an aveira, but to return and reconnect the neshama with Hashem!
Vov Adar (23:04)
💬 For ourselves, we realize that we may sometimes not deserve things to be easier or better; but we can never say that about another person — we want them to ALWAYS have the best!
Hey Adar (22:45)
💬 We should go right from the strength of davening to the strength of Torah!
Daled Adar (21:20)
Gimmel Adar (25:45)
💬 When we say Tehillim, it should be with simcha and bitachon and a positive attitude.
Beis Adar (20:07)
💬 When we do a favor for another Yid and help him, it should be with a feeling of Ahavas Yisroel, not just because it makes us feel good!