Chof Cheshvan (21:32)
💬 On Chof Cheshvan, the Rebbe asked that Chassidim should try to go to a Yeshiva or Chabad House for at least a few minutes to daven, give tzedakah, learn something or have a farbrengen.
Yud-Tes Cheshvan (24:02)
💬 Chassidus gives us mashalim through things we already understand, so we have a way to learn about Ruchnius things that our minds usually would not be able to understand.
Yud-Ches Mar-Cheshvan (19:49)
💬 The mitzvos we do are like clothes that let the neshama enjoy the light of Hashem in Gan Eden!
with Morah Nechama Dina
Yud-Zayin Cheshvan (20:47)
💬 Every second of life is important! There will only be ONE chance to use this moment for good things.
Tes-Zayin Cheshvan (22:11)
💬 We need to make sure to learn Torah every day. This will fill up our mind with good things, and keep us busy thinking about them!